Hair and beauty

43 Pins
17 productos de belleza franceses que sí funcionan
Apodada como el "agua milagrosa enlatada", nadie sabe exactamente qué es lo que hace. Se ha pretendido usar para fijar el maquillaje, para reemplazar a las cremas hidratantes, para reducir el enrojecimiento, parar curar costras, para eliminar el acné... y la lista sigue. Sólo ten en mente que el único ingrediente es agua. Cómprale aquí y lee una larga, larga lista de comentarios en Makeupalley.
Miracle Homemade Scar Remover For Acne and Dark Spots
1 tbsp organic honey 1 tbsp freshly squeezed organic lemon juice 1 tbsp fresh ground nutmeg 1 tbsp powdered cinnamon via @styletips1o1
7 maneras de utilizar los tomates para eliminar las cicatrices del acné - Conocer Salud
7 maneras de utilizar los tomates para eliminar las cicatrices del acné #salud
Derma Skin Scrubber Pen 😍
Derma Skin Scrubber Pen 😍 If you're searching for a multi-functional device that can be used for deep cleansing, soft peeling, extractions, exfoliation, massage, product penetration and even fine lines or wrinkle prevention, the Dermabrasion Skin Scrubber is the perfect choice for you! Currently 50% OFF with FREE Shipping! Bademode - Bekleidung: Fashion: Bikinis, Badeanzüge, Pareos & Strandkleider, Tankinis, Badeshorts und mehr
The most metal thing about me is that I do my own bikini waxes. This is mostly because I don’t trust anyone coming at me with hot wax, but also because I like to be in control of literally every aspect of my body, house, and life at all times.In order to combat the resulting red bumps, I can recommend two things: gentle exfoliation the night before and Tend Skin. I first ordered it based on extremely favorable Amazon reviews (1,632 five-star ratings!). It started working the first time I used it