All Things Weaving
Get ready to wow your friends and family with these unique, handwoven coasters, perfect for gifting! They're not only stylish and cozy but also an amazing way to put those rigid heddle scraps to good use. Pin this for your next gift-giving occasion!
Mirrix Tapestry Looms
Weave a decorative tapestry or beaded piece using a Mirrix Tapestry Loom.
Handwoven Nov/Dec 2016 Yarn Lab
Handwoven examples from Kelbourne Woolens.
Doubleweave WAL Finishing Tips - Yarnworker - Know-how for the rigid heddle loom
Check out these doubleweave finishing tips.
Doubleweave WAL Weaving Tips - Yarnworker - Know-how for the rigid heddle loom
Doubleweave tips
Twist and Shout
Fringe options for your woven goods on the WEBS Blog at
Tips for Weaving The Perfect Towel - Yarnworker - Know-how for the rigid heddle loom
Tips for weaving the perfect towel