Almuñécar Spain

Almuñécar Spain is the perfect Spanish town along the Mediterranean coast in Southern Spain. Just 1 hour from Granada or Malaga with simple living.
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Playa La Herradura Granada Spain - Almuñécar Info When you visit Playa La Herradura Granada Spain, you’ll find a charming old town with pedestrian streets, covered with stone mosaic designs. It offers an incredible village vibe, with a central plaza and an amazing beach.
Playa La Herradura Granada Spain - Almuñécar Info
Playa La Herradura Granada Spain - Almuñécar Info When you visit Playa La Herradura Granada Spain, you’ll find a charming old town with pedestrian streets, covered with stone mosaic designs. It offers an incredible village vibe, with a central plaza and an amazing beach.
Ask A Spanish Lawyer - FAQ's & Tips - Almuñécar Info
Ask A Spanish Lawyer - FAQ's & Tips - Almuñécar Info We all ask questions in groups and forums regarding residency in Spain, buying and selling a Spanish property, making a will in Spain, how to handle taxes, and more. These are questions sometimes best answered by a Spanish lawyer, to be sure you are getting the right answer. Below we have several frequently asked questions, with links to the detailed answers from a local Spanish solicitor.
Discover The Quaint Pueblo Blanco Itrabo - Almuñécar Info. Itrabo is a small white village tucked away in the foothills of the Sierra de Los Guájares and the Sierra de Ubrite. It is a great destination for rural tourism and the perfect place to enjoy the great outdoors. The drive up from Almuñécar gives you a day out to enjoy the countryside with fresh mountain air and stunning views.
Retire In Spain - Our Guide, Tips & Advice - Wagoners Abroad
This is our master guide to retire in Spain. With tips and advice for your Spain visa, best places to live in Spain and more. Read more on
Visiting Spain In Winter - Wagoners Abroad
Visit Spain in Winter and stay for a while! Escape your harsh winter just a change of scenery and come livein Spain for a month or even 3. - Read more on
Buying A Property In Spain? 5 Tips From A Lawyer - Almuñécar Info
If you have a dream of buying a property in Spain, you will want to read this post. These are the top tips from a seasoned lawyer in Spain and they are here to help you with the process. Read more on
Insurance in Spain - Health and Travel
Let's talk Health Insurance Spain! You will find it is quite easy to obtain and is very affordable compared to other countries. The health insurance companies we recommend provide healthcare in Spain for expats, students, retirees and more. We share some info about the cost of health insurance in Spain and tips for coverage. Read more on
Best Places To Retire In Spain! - Wagoners Abroad
We provide you with some of the best places to retire in Spain. This is just one of our posts in a series of how to retire in Spain. Read more on
How To Get Married In Spain - Almuñécar Info
Quite frankly, the process to get married in Spain can potentially be frustrating, but once you understand the different options then it is easy to have a stress-free wedding in the Spanish sunshine. Read more on
Seafood and Fish in Spain - Wagoners Abroad
If you are looking to live the healthy Mediterranean lifestyle while in Europe, then you should be sure you have seafood and fish in Spain. Read more on
Retire In Spain - Our Guide, Tips & Advice - Wagoners Abroad
Health Insurance In Spain it isn't difficult to obtain and is very affordable compared to the US standard. Providing healthcare in Spain for expats, students, retirees and more. This topic is one of the most popular consulting questions we receive. After helping hundreds of people move to Spain, we share the top recommendations with you. Read more on
Popular Social Media Spots In Almuñécar & La Herradura
Social Media has taken over and some of us can’t live without it. It seems we have an urge to share with the world what a great time we are having or the beautiful place we are located. We’ve scoured Instagram, Twitter, & Facebook to share with you the popular social media spots in Almuñécar & La Herradura. Some are beautiful scenery, while others are a little quirky or fun. Don’t worry if you don’t know where they are located, we share a map with you too! Read more on
Tarjeta Andalucía Junta Sesenta y Cinco - Senior Discounts Andalucía - Almuñécar Info
Tarjeta Andalucía Junta Sesenta y Cinco - Senior Discounts Andalucía - Almuñécar Info Did you know if you are a resident in Spain and 65 years or older you have access to senior discounts? All you need to do is apply for the Tarjeta Andalucía Junta Sesenta y Cinco (Tarjeta 65)! This is a senior discount card that entitles you to certain senior discounts in Andalucía.