Printed Glass / ArtGlass V-ISPIRARE & Vidrios Impresos

Nueva línea ARTGLASS, impresión digital fotográfica full color sobre vidrio plano para interiores y exteriores. Único sistema de impresión digital de alta definición sobre cristales. ¿Y vos que vas a renovar en tu casa?
113 Pins
Konyhai falburkoló panelek – Fantáziadús konyhatervezés | Konyhabútor ötletek a Konyhaszakértő Kft.-től
konyhatervező ötletek kép7
10 Smart, Skinny Buildings Squeezed into Teeny Tiny Spaces
Billboard Building by Klein Dytham Architecture – Tokyo, Japan
Global Branding Agency In Dublin | Vision Branding Solutions
Solar control window film, privacy films, window film, manifestations, glass etching, frosted film, safety film
Perth Radiological Clinic, Shenton House : Glazing area features a playful montage of x-ray, while reflecting the sky l Meyer Shircore Architects l imagesImagInked | A blog about printed glass.
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White Trees window film - part of Tektura's new window film range