41 Pins
The Knot You Never Thought You Needed | Cruising World
Some knot tips for cruisers: Add a well-placed slippery hitch to ensure that your knots come undone when you want them to.
13 Cords
Peopulls soft-top zipper pull set for Jeep Wrangler vehicles, set of 4 ...Constructed of US made 7-strand 550 paracord Photo: Firecracker Red*/Black . *This set is a match to the factory Jeep exterior
Custom Handmade Paracord Keychain Buddy
Custom Handmade Paracord Keychain Buddy
The Ultimate Survival Skills and Tips
Certain skills are part of the "Swiss Army Knife" collection; these skills, like knot tying, are handy even for everyday scenarios.
This is a Marlinspike Knot tied using the end - actually a bight.
How to Tie Various Knots
Knots, as a way of joining rope without special equipment, are useful in many situations. On a sailboat, knots are essential both for daily use and for emergency repairs. This ...