DNA Connect

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¿Qué es DNA Connect?
Encontrar familiares alrededor del mundo es posible gracias a nuestro servicio DNA Connect adquiriendo el test de ADN de tellmeGen. #testADN #testgenetico #arbolgenealogico #DNAConnect
What is DNA Connect?
Finding relatives around the world is possible thanks to our DNA Connect service by purchasing the tellmeGen DNA test. #DNAtest #genetictest #genealogicaltree #DNAConnect
DNA Connect 2.0. ¿Qué es?
El servicio DNA Connect de tellmeGen, consiste en poder descubrir y contactar con tus familiares que aún no conoces. ¡Ahora mejorado! #tellmeGen #DNAConnect #testADN #familia #parientes #contacto #conexionesalrededordelmundo #herenciacompartida #chat #aprendergenética #lageneticaimporta #herencia
DNA Connect 2.0. What it is?
tellmeGen's DNA Connect service is all about discovering and contacting your family members you don't know yet. Now even better! #tellmeGen #DNAConnect #DNAtest #family #relatives #contact #connexionsaroundtheworld #sharedparentage #chat #learngenetics #geneticsmatters #heritage