Retazos de tela

27 Pins
This may contain: the needles are next to the hole in the knitted material that has been stitched together
Как незаметно избавиться от дыры на вязанном изделии
Difficulty: Medium Материалы: • Нить хлопковая тонкая, для основания • Нить в цвет и толщину вязанного изделия
121K views · 1.4K reactions | Muy poca gente conoce este truco de costura - arreglar el bajo de los vaqueros | Muy poca gente conoce este truco de costura - arreglar el bajo de los vaqueros | By Miarti - Ideas creativas | Facebook
Desperte sua paixão pelo crochê!
Encontre padrões deslumbrantes e tutoriais passo a passo. Não espere mais, comece acontecer seu conto de fios agora! #crochet #croche #handmade #feitoamao #artesanato #crochê #amigurumi #crocheting #moda #feitocomamor #fiodemalha
This may contain: someone is cutting out a piece of paper on top of a table with a sewing machine in the background
This may contain: someone is opening the inside of a yellow and white bag with green lining on it
DIY Notion Pouch : How to make a Folding Tray Pouch for Your Crafting Tools
From Pouch to Tray in Seconds! 🐳 Notion Pouch DIY
Puntadas 365 - Paperblog
Puntadas 365 Más