Spanish Antonyms

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word.
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Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
An #antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. #Learning #Spanish antonyms helps you understand what others are saying if they use flaunting language instead of plain Spanish. It also encourages you to think of other ways to say the same expression and advances your vocabulary.
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: to win - to lose
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: love - hate
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: wet - dry
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: peace - war
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: right - left
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: hard - soft
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: fast - slow
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: early - late
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: more - less
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: tired - rested
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: weak - strong
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: good - bad
Enrich Your Spanish Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms
#Spanish #Antonyms: new - old