Autumn Collage Arts Y2 Ideas

10 Pins
Fabulous Fall Collage for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Take the kids on a nature hunt, and create a gorgeous fall collage with your findings. The way you make the backdrop for this one is really cool!
Collages of dried leaves -15 creative ideas Do It Yourself | My desired home
Collages of dried leaves -15 creative ideas Do It Yourself | My desired home
Things to Make and Do, Crafts and Activities for Kids - The Crafty Crow
collect leaves, separate into sizes / colors, layer them for turkey feathers
7 Ways To Turn Your Fall Leaf Collection Into Art
Para dar la bienvenida al otoño, hoy os proponemos un par de actividades muy divertidas. Ahí va la primera de ellas. Esperamos que os guste. Y a vuestros pequeños, todavía más ;-)