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Ballerina on point — Wire — Sculptures — Martin Wright, Artist
Philippe Faraut is a figurative artist specializing in life-size portrait sculptures and monumental stone sculptures.
Javier Marín, escultor mexicano se presenta en Roma
Javier Marín - Cultura ColectivaJavier Rodriguez Borgio productor de la nueva película de Christopher Nolan 'Interstellar'
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Las sombrías esculturas del artista Christian Zucconi. — CHRISTIAN ZUCCONI
Laocoon and His Sons, Greek Hellenistic (most likely 42 - 20 BC), Vatican Museums, Rome. Laocoon warning about the Trojan Horse earned him the wrath of Poseidon who sent sea serpents to attack him and his sons. Michelangelo was influenced by this work and the contortions of the body of Laocoon can be seen in many of his works, especially something like the 'Dying Slave.'
The Season of Plum and Cobblestone
Eternal Spring, also known as Eternal Springtime, probably modeled 1881, this marble executed 1906–7. Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917)
Portrait of George (Le Portrait de George) 1911 by Constantin Brancusi
Brancusi Portrait of George (Le Portrait de George) 1911
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Head of Pierre de Wissant / Auguste Rodin / c. 1908 / bronze