
101 Pins
15 cosas que puedes hacer con tapones de corcho de vino
15 cosas que puedes hacer con tapones de corcho de vino
As seen on The Ellen Degeneres Show | Etsy
Add a festive touch to the family room or entryway with a set of custom letters, filled with felt flowers or succulents in the colors of your choice. #etsyfinds
Ideas para decorar tu casa con letras de cartón - Selfpackaging Blog
Cardboard letters at Michaels or Joanns - stack them //glue and spray paint for super cute decor.
Free tutorial how to make dried flower embroidery hoop art - From Britain with Love
How to make embroidery hoop art with dried flowers. Olga Prinku shares her simple step by step DIY tutorial to create your own alphabet initial hoop with hydrangea, eucalyptus, mimosa and spring flowers. Click through for other stunning ideas you'll love to try too #embroideryhoop #embroideryhoopart #driedflowers #frombritainwithlove #olgaprinku #DIY #tutorial #howtomake #embroideryhoopcraft #iinitial #alphabet
Free tutorial how to make dried flower embroidery hoop art - From Britain with Love
How to make embroidery hoop art with dried flowers. Olga Prinku shares her simple step by step DIY tutorial to create your own alphabet initial hoop with hydrangea, eucalyptus, mimosa and spring flowers. Click through for other stunning ideas you'll love to try too #embroideryhoop #embroideryhoopart #driedflowers #frombritainwithlove #olgaprinku #DIY #tutorial #howtomake #embroideryhoopcraft #iinitial #alphabet