
Healthy Food Restaurant in Miraflores, Lima - Peru. Fast Good Concept. New brand in Lima. Restaurant Design - ROMO ARQUITECTOS
17 Pins
The brothers Aloe's Navigli outpost of their booming Berberè brand has a new look informed by days gone by and the love of socialising...
Pickadeli - Elige Saludable Romo Arquitectos Miraflores Lima, Peru.
Pickadeli - Elige Saludable Romo Arquitectos Miraflores Lima, Peru.
Pickadeli - Elige Saludable Romo Arquitectos Miraflores Lima, Peru.
Pickadeli - Elige Saludable Romo Arquitectos Miraflores Lima, Peru.
Pickadeli - Elige Saludable Romo Arquitectos Miraflores Lima, Peru.
Pickadeli - Elige Saludable Romo Arquitectos Miraflores Lima, Peru.