
17 Pins
Lena Leon | Elementary Music Class Made Fun on Instagram: "I love a simple binary AB form music to create my music & movement routines. Why? Because the A or B sections allow improvisation and you can always add a challenging element for coordination work and/or just for fun! A few months back my students enjoyed this Cup and Tennis Ball routine very much, and I’m planning on make it work with all sorts of props for future lessons. Music: “Minoesjka” by Shenanigans / available in Spotify. Save this one for next year 😉🫶🏼🌸✨ #musicandmovement #musicteacher #musicteachers #elementarymusicteacher #elementarymusicclass #elementarymusic #musicaymovimiento"
Lena Leon | Elementary Music Class Made Fun on Instagram: "This activity is great for openings and back to school activities. Pair up and get ready to move in elementary music class!🥳🎶🤩 How to play: Students team up to perform this fun coordination challenge. The first one to break the pattern rotates to another spot and partners up with someone new. I like to mix things up and keep everyone playing and moving. What about you!? Share this with a friend 😉 and save it for later! . . These wonderful musicians are my husband and older son playing the Coordination Cup Challenge 🥹🤩… a few years ago! . . #elementarymusic #elementarymusicteacher #musicchallenge #backtoschool #backtoschoolactivities #teachingideas #funteaching"
İbrahim Topçu on Instagram: "For 5 and 6 years old #cupgame . . . . . #kindergarten #okulöncesietkinlik #ilkokuketkinlik #etkinlikönerileri #reels #keşfet #instagood"
Hannah Zimmermann on Instagram: "Need a fun activity to teach triplets? Or just a fun cup-passing game? This is the one! It’s simple (a total ear worm) and so fun to do around Halloween. I found this on Pinterest and have kept it in my 5th grade repertoire ever since! #elementarymusiceducation #elementarymusic #elementarymusicteacher #elementarymusicrocks #iteachmusic #fisdfineartsleads #fisdelevate #musiced #musiceducation #musiceducationmatters #musicteacher #musicteachersofinstagram #kodalymethod #kodalyinspiredclassroom"
percuchallenge: RASCA & PICA
percuchallenge: RASCA & PICA
Reto 13 DONLUMUSICAL Mr Noe & El profe mochilero
Reto 13 DONLUMUSICAL Mr Noe & El profe mochilero
Polirítmia "alla turca" W.A.Mozart
Polirítmia "alla turca" W.A.Mozart
“La Caccia” A. Vivaldi
“La Caccia” A. Vivaldi
Mariana|maestra de música on Instagram: "Actividad de ritmo y coordinación +5 años Utilizamos por primera vez vasos de colores para realizar los movimientos. La canción es Danza Húngara n°5 Si tocas sobre el audio podrás ver otra propuesta que hice con peques de 3 años. Esta propuesta les ha encantado, mira lo bien que lo estamos pasando. Risas y más risas. Si te ha gustado, guárdalo para que lo tengas a mano y dale like 🩷🎵 #musiquillos #musicaymovimiento #Granada #padul #Alhendín #primaria #infantil #coordinación #coordinaciónmotora #educadoramusical #educaciónmusical #danzahungara #Brahms #musicaparaniños #clasesdemusicaengranada #clasesdemusicaparaniños #granada #ideas #maestrademusica #maestra #infantil #preescolar #danzahungara"
La Primavera de Vivaldi, con ritmo de vasos.
La Primavera de Vivaldi, con ritmo de vasos. - YouTube