81 Pins
Carol Cleveland Sings on Instagram: "“I have never written a note I didn’t mean” - Erik Satie We noticed we have a few new friends here so we’d like to share this video we made 1 year ago. We hope you like it! 🕯️🎹🌙 We’ve gotten lots of requests for these pieces to go on Spotify - so we’re happy to announce that this one (and some others) will be appearing soon. (Link in bio) ___ #satie #gymnopedie #eriksatie #singingsaw #theremin #marxophone #beeswax #candlelight #candlelit #classicalmusic #classicalmusicdaily #classicalmusiccover #musician #frenchcomposer #toypiano #schoenut #impressionism #frenchclaassical #zither #furnituremusic #celeste"
Eduardo Ihidoype on Instagram: "- Nicole Pesce - Happy Birthday…? 🎧ニコール・ぺスによる、〇〇っぽい『ハッピーバースデー』 🤣👏 🎥 2011, June 24. Tempe Center for the Arts, Nicole Pesce in concert. 特徴捉えすぎてて天才!🤣 最後まで見てみて! Pianist ▶︎ @nicolepescepiano via @pianoartsalon Video credit ▶︎ #piano #pianist #comedy #comedian #humor #joke #funny #classic #classicalmusic #classicalmusichumor #beethoven #pianosonata #chopin #polonaise #bach #mozart #お笑い #ピアノ #面白い動画 #ピアノ演奏 #ピアノアレンジ #クラッシック #クラッシック音楽"
Walk off the Earth on Instagram: "Let us know what we should write this song about! Support us by pre-saving our next release (this song), link in bio. @romeo_eats @luminatisuns #newsong #walkofftheearth"
Walk off the Earth on Instagram: "What @bensonboon song should we cover next? Let us know ⁠👇 ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Follow -> @walkofftheearth <- for more musical Reels #walkofftheearth"
Ms Cecchini | Music Teacher and Choral Director on Instagram: "Here is our beatboxing unit (level 2) in action! 🎤🎶 I’ve been having so much fun introducing our middle school chorus kids to this artform over the past couple of weeks. In addition to slides exploring the science and history of beatboxing, I’ve shared some truly epic beatboxing battles. This unit has been a super fun way to practice reading more complicated rhythm patterns in 4/4 (like, are we even learning right now or just having fun?!)…we sight read each pattern using the takadimi system, then cue up the music and practice each pattern twice before moving on to the next box. They move through ascending levels of difficulty both in rhythms and tempos - students LOVE the backing tracks I chose for a slow, medium and fast
ESSE on Instagram: "Each beach boy coming together 🤩 #thebeachboys#thebeachboyscover#igetaround#igetaroundcover#acappella#singing#alto#soprano#harmony#fy#fyp#foryou#foryoupage#discover#discovermusic#singer#ableton#abletonlive"
Les Fo'Plafonds on Instagram: "🌞Et on continue dans le classique avec cette valse n°2 de Chostakovitch ! Une prouesse de notre ami Francesco scie'l vous plait ! 🪚🪚🪚 #sessionderattrapage #lesfoplafonds #coversongs #sciemusicale #valsedechostakovitch #musicwithoutinstruments"
Les Fo'Plafonds on Instagram: "😌📣👀On est heureux de te présenter notre tout dernier Cover, en espérant qu’il t’apportera à toi aussi beaucoup de ….satisfaction 😜🥳🤭 #bennybenassi #satisfaction #coversongs #musicwithoutinstruments #lesfoplafonds #crazy #brouette #clarinettebass #poubelles"
Lennie Simo on Instagram: "Levels 1-13 pen tapping 🖊️🔥🔥 @bic_group @bicpensusa"
José Delgado on Instagram: "@manuelmaracas en #OrbeArte Ya puedes disfrutar del capítulo que grabamos con el gran artista y amigo #ManuelAlejandroRangel. Este podcast lo hacemos para @telesurtv, sale por sus plataformas digitales y los domingo por la TV. Estrenamos los miércoles y los viernes en mi canal de YouTube (link en mi bio) Gracias @undostrescuacom por la gestión en plataformas. ¿Qué le quisieras preguntar a Manuel?"
iM - International Musicians on Instagram: "Somewhere Only We Know 🖤 — Make sure you follow us (@im.vocals) to not miss any more videos. Artist: St. Patrick’s Junior Choir Copyrights: @bgt #lyrics #subtitles #bgt #choir #cover #keane #somewhereonlyweknow"
Basically Song's on Instagram: "No autotune, no mixing but charming.. this is talent . #lenka #everythingatonce #oldera #oldsongs #2000smusic #2000snostalgia #nostalgia #nostalgic #liveperformance #livemusic #live #underratedartist"
Open Studio on Instagram: "Imagine There's No Moo Chord ✨ Unlock more practice ideas like this from Adam and Bob with a free 14-day Open Studio trial - link in bio. . . . #musictutorial #pianotutorial #piano #jazz #music #jazzmusic #jazzpiano #warmup #openstudiojazz #jazzeducation #jazzpianosolo #jazzlesson #jazzmaster #thebeatles #jazzmusician #instapiano #instajazz #imagine #beatles #johnlennon #chords #comping"
Rocío Luna• Baterista|Drummer on Instagram: "🥁JUGANDO UN RATO CON MI ALUMNO, SEBA! Estas figuras me las enseñó @silvanacolagiovanni 💜 y las saqué de su libro #drumtime 📖🎶 Me acompaña mi timbal flat de @zzpercusion 😎 Buen sábado!! Que tengan lindas tocadas, prácticas y ensayos!🥁🥁🥁 #drummer #baterista #clasesdemusica #musiceducator"