9 Pins
Fotografía de producto: cómo tomar fotos de productos
Aprende Sobre el Bokeh. hacer figuras, como corazones o arbolitos. El corte deberá ser de aproximadamente 2 cm. Una vez hecho esto, asegúrate de fijar el papel al lente, mantén la apertura al mínimo posible y comienza a disparar.
Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB) Explained | Alex Wise Photography
Photography tutorial on how to use the Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB) feature on your camera to create multiple exposures for HDR composites or manual blends. #photography #tutorial
Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB) Explained | Alex Wise Photography
Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB) Explained | Alex Wise Photography
Unlock the power of shutter speed in your photography
The Power of Shutter Speeds http://www.pinterest.com/source/thediscerningphotographer.com/
How to Take Silky Smooth Waterfall Photos in Iceland or Anywhere
How to Take Silky Smooth Waterfall Photos in Iceland or Anywhere | Brendan's Adventures
How to write with sparklers: An easy July 4th Party Idea - Think.Make.Share.
Sparkler Writing | Have some fun this Fourth of July with Sparkler Messages! Think.Make.Share, a blog from the Creative Studios at Hallmark, will teach you how to use your cameras to create memorable photographs as you write with sparklers! This is such a cool photo idea that can be used for all kinds of specials occasions—like engagements, weddings, baby announcements, and gender reveals!