
146 Pins
an abstract painting of a woman in green, yellow and orange colors with her back turned to the camera
a painting of a man sitting in a chair with a yellow blanket on his lap
Perspective | Frantisek Kupka was at his best when he painted himself in 1907’s ‘The Yellow Scale’
three women sitting at a table in front of a mirror
a painting of a man standing next to a pillar
Otto Dix, Der Streichholzhändler II - The matchbox vendor II.
an oil painting of a man and two children
Threader - Good threads every day
an open book with the words quinta pare written in spanish
a black and white drawing of jesus surrounded by other demonic looking creatures, including birds
James Colbert Reid (1907 - 1989) — Brier Hill Gallery
an artistic painting with people and animals on it
América Prehispánica (1950) Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera, 'América prehispánica', 1950, óleo sobre lienzo, 70 x 92 cm. Colección Licio Lagos, México / arte, pintura, mexican art, latin art
an old poster with a woman holding a snake on it's back and the words, seina illuststrata
Театральные журналы 1880-1920. Обложки "Scena Illustrata" и "Figaro Illustre".
Интересное и забытое - быт и курьезы прошлых эпох. - Театральные журналы 1880-1920. Обложки "Scena Illustrata" и "Figaro Illustre".
a drawing of a man playing checkers on a table
Alchemy: "Alchemy," by DZO Olivier, via Behance.