Paleta de colores

Color Palette #41
Delicate pastel shades of this color palette is well suited for girls' room design. You can safely use these shades in proportions that you prefer..
Gorgeous long hair #blonde #highlights love this color!!! And style!! This what I want !!!
This color palette is really pretty. I like how all of the colors are used in different ways in each photo.
Wednesday Wedding Inspiration: We ♥ Shabby Chic! - Bespoke-Bride: Wedding Blog
Shabby Chic Colour Scheme, lovely pastel color combination. I love pink with aqua as a beach color because it reminds me of the inside of a conch. Peach is also beautiful because, as a child visiting my oldest sister, I loved watching the sun sink into the ocean. The beautiful pink orange pairs so well with grey and aqua.
Sea Hues
color palette - paper tones
Color Palette #41
Color Palette No. 41
image credit ★ stripey mooka