Brain Injury

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Order of events becomes disorientated thanks to brain injury #jumbledbrain
My memory of the order of events can be disorientated after my brain injury
Mental health: the concealed truth of brain injury #jumbledbrain
Following my brain injury my mental health took a nose dive. But I had to learn to ask for help before it was too late.
Brain Injury Myths DEBUNKED Part 1
Myths about Brain Injury, Part 1
How to avoid behaviour related misunderstandings provoked by brain injury
A brain injury can change your behaviour, leading others to get the wrong impression & cause relationship difficulties. Tips to avoid misconceptions.
Traumatic Brain Injury leads to problems with emotional processing
Traumatic brain injury leads to problems with emotional processing
Brain Injuries Last A Lifetime. A brain injury doesn't just change the life of the individual, it effects everyone!
Do I tick the disabled box or not? Brain injury is complicated #jumbledbrain
My blog on living with a brain injury: Forms ask are you disabled to avoid discrimination. If they don't ask for details, how's this label going to help? Doesn't help understand my brain injury.
Brain injury patient alert! What do you expect? - #jumbledbrain
For sure
Is my brain injury making me a bad friend? - #Jumbledbrain
Terrified I’ll fail after brain injury & dealing with my fears - #jumbledbrain
My brain injury has left my fearing my failure.
Inconsiderate people + Brain injury = Awkward situation #jumbledbrain
As the pace of life speeds up, people have less time for others. But when you have a brain injury it's even harder to tolerate inconsiderate people.
Laughing in the face of brain injury - #jumbledbrain
I find myself laughing when humour isn't always the correct response as I recover form my brain injury.