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74K views · 8K reactions | En 2025, transforma la manera de vestir a tus peques con prendas exclusivas que fusionan bordado panalito y Punto París. Comparte la alegría de lo hecho a mano y aprecia la calidad que solo el amor puede brindar. 🌈👗 #love #fashion #hechoamano #elsalvador | Peques
74K views · 8K reactions | En 2025, transforma la manera de vestir a tus peques con prendas exclusivas que fusionan bordado panalito y Punto París. Comparte la alegría de lo hecho a mano y aprecia la calidad que solo el amor puede brindar. 🌈👗 #love #fashion #hechoamano #elsalvador | Peques
Patrones de costura Grátis listo para imprimir | Facebook
Patrones de costura Grátis listo para imprimir | Facebook
1.6K views · 29 reactions | So verwandeln Sie Jeans in eine stylische Umhängetasche! Miarti👜✂️ | Miarti - Kreative ideen
1.6K views · 29 reactions | So verwandeln Sie Jeans in eine stylische Umhängetasche! Miarti👜✂️ | Miarti - Kreative ideen
3.5M views · 84K reactions | Cuanto Bies puedes lograr con un Cuadro de Tela de 31x31 cm #sewingfabric #costura #coserfacil #cursodecosturabasica #cursodecosturaonline... | By Alejandra Meza | how many meters of bias can we take out of a thirty-one frame of fabric by thirty-one centimetres? Let's do the test and for that I'm going to teach you step by step how to do continuous bies. What we're gonna do is we're gonna make a diagonal. Down at the centre of our square. And we gonna cut it off. We're going to place it this way and here we're going to make a straight seam for these two pieces I'm going to place pins and I'll sew about an inch from the edge here I'm going removing my pins little by little and once we've cooked this piece here we are going to open it and we are going to iron the seams out very well this is a very easy way to create bi is continuous and do it in a fast way and we are going as soon as we are going to get in this square fabric. I'm taking three centimeters to do. These lines all along. Of my two pieces already put together. We're going to join these strips together to create the continuous bies. Let's flip the fabric and let's do this double to join the lines we already drew. But to achieve the magic what we're going to do is that we're gonna walk these lines this way and here we're going together pins. This is how we're going to make a full strip of fabric. Here place pins so it doesn't move and we will sew in a straight line. Half an inch from the shore. Remember that when you do this procedure and start sewing you have to go removing the pins little by little. Open up the pre-made seams and go over them. We are going to sew a straight line like I tell you half an inch from the edge and once we are done and got to the end we are going to have a tube of fabric left. And now what we have to do is open the seams very well and iron them. Since they are very very well ironed, we can start cutting. Our whole strip. This is going to be so much fun. This is my favorite part cutting and seeing how much pull we can accomplish with. A small frame of fabric measuring thirty-one by thirty-one centimetres. And guess what I finished here my strip and took the measurements and in the end what was left with was a three meter strip. And now all we have to do is create our bies. I'm using this tool to make it easier and faster. You're inserting the strip and it comes out with the bent shape on the other side and all I have to do is pull it while I'm ironing. And if all my continuous bies are forming. This is how it looks at the end. Then we achieved a three-foot strip of bies with only a square of thirty-one by thirty-one centimetres.
3.3M views · 79K reactions | Cuanto Bies puedes lograr con un Cuadro de Tela de 31x31 cm #sewingfabric #costura #coserfacil #cursodecosturabasica #cursodecosturaonline... | By Alejandra Meza | how many meters of bias can we take out of a thirty-one frame of fabric by thirty-one centimetres? Let's do the test and for that I'm going to teach you step by step how to do continuous bies. What we're gonna do is we're gonna make a diagonal. Down at the centre of our square. And we gonna cut it off. We're going to place it this way and here we're going to make a straight seam for these two pieces I'm going to place pins and I'll sew about an inch from the edge here I'm going removing my pins little by little and once we've cooked this piece here we are going to open it and we are going to iron t
@jia.sewing on Instagram: "Christmas Tree🎄🎄🎄✨ | DIY | Quick Sewing Tips No.210 #diy #sewing #crafts #seamstress #tailor #sewingtips #sewingtipsandtricks #jia-sewing 💡Sewing Tools Links in Bio.💡 Materials: Cotton, Cotton puffs, bells"
3.2M views · 41K reactions | There's no easier way to sew this. You should definitely watch it. | There's no easier way to sew this. You should definitely watch it. | By Modelist/Terzi Hatice DEMİR | Facebook
3.2M views · 41K reactions | There's no easier way to sew this. You should definitely watch it. | There's no easier way to sew this. You should definitely watch it. | By Modelist/Terzi Hatice DEMİR | Facebook
236K reactions · 14K shares | Transforma un simple zipper en un monedero increíble con este truco rápido y fácil! - - - - 💡✨ Ideal para principiantes y expertos en costura. Aprende cómo hacerlo en minutos y lleva tu creatividad al siguiente nivel. 🔥👜 - - - - - #TrucoDeCostura #DIYMonedero #CosturaCreativa #ZipperDIY #CosturaFácil | Emprende Costurera
236K reactions · 14K shares | Transforma un simple zipper en un monedero increíble con este truco rápido y fácil! - - - - 💡✨ Ideal para principiantes y expertos en costura. Aprende cómo hacerlo en minutos y lleva tu creatividad al siguiente nivel. 🔥👜 - - - - - #TrucoDeCostura #DIYMonedero #CosturaCreativa #ZipperDIY #CosturaFácil | Emprende Costurera
128K views · 1.6K reactions | Mini-Rucksack ganz einfach aus alten Jeans! Miarti👜✂️ | Miarti - Kreative ideen
16K views · 221 reactions | Mini-Rucksack ganz einfach aus alten Jeans! Miarti👜✂️ | Miarti - Kreative ideen
210K views · 1.9K reactions | ¡Cómo reciclar jeans para convertirlos en un elegante bolso de hombro fácilmente! Miarti👜✂️ | ¡Cómo reciclar jeans para convertirlos en un elegante bolso de hombro fácilmente! Miarti👜✂️ | By Miarti - Ideas creativas | Facebook
210K views · 1.9K reactions | ¡Cómo reciclar jeans para convertirlos en un elegante bolso de hombro fácilmente! Miarti👜✂️ | ¡Cómo reciclar jeans para convertirlos en un elegante bolso de hombro fácilmente! Miarti👜✂️ | By Miarti - Ideas creativas | Facebook
Gute Idee – so nähen Sie ganz einfach aus alten Jeans einen stylischen Rucksack! | Gute Idee – so nähen Sie ganz einfach aus alten Jeans einen stylischen Rucksack! | By Miarti - Kreative ideen | Facebook
Gute Idee – so nähen Sie ganz einfach aus alten Jeans einen stylischen Rucksack! | Gute Idee – so nähen Sie ganz einfach aus alten Jeans einen stylischen Rucksack! | By Miarti - Kreative ideen | Facebook
3K views · 65 reactions | So nähen Sie ganz einfach einen süßen Rucksack! Miarti👜✂️ | Miarti - Kreative ideen
3K views · 65 reactions | So nähen Sie ganz einfach einen süßen Rucksack! Miarti👜✂️ | Miarti - Kreative ideen
43K views · 1K reactions | #costuracontabita #costurafacil #coser #trucos #DIY #sewing #costura #sew | Costura Y Sazon con Tabita
43K views · 1K reactions | #costuracontabita #costurafacil #coser #trucos #DIY #sewing #costura #sew | Costura Y Sazon con Tabita