estructures proj

11 Pins
Installation of tensile membrane structure warehouse
Tensile structures also called membrane structures, fabric structure, tensioned structures, tensile membrane structures or tensile fabric structure. It's the most representative and promising architectural form of the 21st century. Breaks the pattern of pure linear architectural style, with unique surface shape, perfect combination of simplicity, brightness, rigidity and softness, strength and beauty, give architects a refreshing feeling and a greater imagine space for creativity.
Suchergebnisse für "inspiration/gewerbezentrum-im-bergell-106347.html"
Gewerbezentrum im Bergell Studio Maurizio
Дом-многоножка - Блог "Частная архитектура"
Угловые стойки, которые постепенно увеличиваются в высоте, поднимают этот приморский дом для отдыха над его наклонным участком и предлагают его жителям вид на океанское побережье Чили.
Dock House in coastal Chile by SAA rests on triangular wooden stilts
Dock House in coastal Chile by SAA rests on triangular wooden stilts
Gallery of Sonia Delaunay School / ADEN architectes - 20
Sonia Delaunay School / ADEN architectes, wood horizontal sunshade, playground
Galería de Mirador Asomo al Vacío: un espacio de contemplación hecho de gaviones - 38
Mirador Asomo al Vacío: un espacio de contemplación hecho de gaviones,Detalle Asiento
Washington Fruit & Produce Co. Headquarters | Graham Baba Architects | Archinect
Washington Fruit & Produce Co. Headquarters | Graham Baba Architects; Photo: Kevin Scott | Archinect
Dorte Mandrup
Among the six finalists for Anthony Timberlands Center for Design and Materials Innovation - an international beacon for sustainable wood design | Dorte Mandrup