mi taller

73 Pins
How to Cast Concrete Fountains
Het is een kitcherig ding, maar het kan een inspiratiebron zijn om iets mooiers te maken. In de tutorial staat o.a. uitgelegd hoe je een betonnen globe maakt, een betonnen pilaar en nog meer praktische tips.
Sandra Leichner Interview - 10 Questions with a Celebrity Quilter
SEWING ROOM ORGANIZAATION AND SEWING ROOM IDEAS.............PC...........great tool organizer. This would work so well with odd shape rulers.
How to Make Your Own Sewing Thread Rack - I Am Sew Crazy
Sala de costura
Clothes Hanger Connector Hook Storage Holder Clothes Space Saving Connector
Small And Functional Design, These Hanger Connector Cascading Hooks Allows You To Hang One Hanger Onto Another, Perfect For Hangers, Double And Triple Your Closet Space, Keep Your Wardrobe Neatly All The Time.
Gaveteiro Fibra Sintética 4 Gav 30x30x75 | Elo7 Produtos Especiais
Gaveteiro feito de madeira e tecido com Fibra Sintética. Possui MDF no Topo e também no fundo das gavetas. Atenção: Produto feito de forma artesanal. Poderá haver uma pequena diferença de 1 cm em relação as medidas mencionadas. Considere isso na hora de pensar em comprar para colocar o prod...