Mind Body Spirit

Tips & easy ways to create a healthy mind, body, and spirit. From yoga and working out to chakra healing, mindfulness, yoga, and meditation, this board has all our best health coaching articles. #mindfulness #yoga #workout #meditation #chakras #selflove #selfgrowth #nutrition #eatinghealthy #healthyrecipes #mealplans #spirituality #manifestation
441 Pins
6 Sections
Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Music
The Solar Plexus, or Manipura, is our third chakra. It controls our confidence, ego, and ability to take action. When our solar plexus needs healing, either we think we’re THE s**t or we think we ARE s***t. Want to know more Solar Plexus Healing Music? Read Our Blog, Guide To Chakra Healing With Music including both modern music and solfeggio frequencies! #solarplexus #music #pumpupsongs #confidencebooster
Root Chakra Healing Music
The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is our first chakra. It controls our sense of primal security, groundedness, and ability to adapt. If you want to heal your root chakra using music, plug in some headphones or crank up your speakers and allow yourself to fall into the soothing security of these songs. Read our blog for our Comlete Guide To Healing The Chakras With Music! #chakrahealing #music #rootchakra #imaginedragons #motown #muladhara #grounding
Beginner Guide To Learning The Chakras
25 Books That Will Change Your Life • Nomads With A Purpose
25 Books That Will Change Your Life
25 Best Superfoods List: Superfoods + Supplements for a Healthy Gut
Get stronger and feel more vibrant for your next outdoor adventure with these 25 superfoods and supplements. #Superfoods #toeateveryday #list #forenergy
Third Eye Chakra Healing Music
The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna, is our sixth chakra. It controls our intuition and sense of greater purpose in the world as well as our sight. In this blog, we're sharing the best music for healing each chakra point including both modern music and solfeggio frequencies. #thirdeye #music #chakrabalancing #chakrahealing #healing