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FREE Printable Fraction Flowers - what a fun way for visualize fractions (math, math activity, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 1st grade)
Ball Drop I saw this on Pinterest and when we put together a playroom for boy for Christmas, my husband helped me make this ball drop using pvc pipe. I put different colored tape around the top of each to match the colors of the ball pit balls we have, so that we can eventually use this to work on identifying colors too!
Kinderleichte Weihnachtskarten mit Masking Tape selbst gemacht
♥ Zuckersüße Äpfel ♥: Kinderleichte Weihnachtskarten mit Masking Tape selbst gemacht
Missing Number on Number Line Clip Sticks Math Activity
Missing Numbers Clip Sticks is a fun math activity for preschool, prek, and kindergarten, homeschool, number line, math centers, math practice, counting
Page not found – Kindergarten Worksheets and Games
Free Christmas Tree Count to 20 Puzzles - this are such a fun Kindergarten Christmas Math activities, game, centers for kids to practice numbers 10-20, counting to 20, count to 20 number words and more as morning work.
Mathe & Motorik - auch möglich mit Schrauben ODER: Aufbewahrung von Materialien in Drehverschluss-Behältern! Außerdem: Spiele mit Masche versehen (wer spielen will muss danach zubinden :))
Charo Lucero (@elblogdesami2) • Instagram photos and videos
Objetivo(s): Desarrollar la coordinación motora fina, percepción visual, atención y concentración. … Leer más
Charo Lucero (@elblogdesami2) • Instagram photos and videos
La máquina de los tapones (Para múltiples actividades) - Actiludis
En el blog “reciclando en la escuela” encontré una actividad para reconocer números mediante un juego bastante simple, pero llamativo. Se trata de pegar las bases de los tapones de los tetra bick de leche, zumo,… en una tablilla y escribir o pegar sobre los tapones números o lo que …