Intriguing Infographics

Insights into the world of nutrition, health and wellness.
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Seven tips for preparing safe food
7 tips for preparing safe food We have a certified Food Safety Management System to guarantee the safety of the Nestlé products you buy, from material selection through to processing and packaging. The basic food hygiene rules that help manufacturers like us to ensure quality and safety can also be applied at home. Here are seven tips to for preparing safe food in your kitchen.
Zinc deficiency
Zinc deficiency Around one third of the world’s population is zinc deficient, and it’s a major cause of lower respiratory tract infections and diarrhoeal disease, especially in the developing world. Zinc is vital for maintaining a healthy immune system and for growth and development, so daily dietary intake is vital. Explore the infographic to find out what we’re doing to help.
Vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency 250 million pre-school children are Vitamin A deficient, and the condition is the leading cause of preventable childhood blindness worldwide, especially in low-income countries. Vitamin A is essential for growth and development, eye health and a strong immune system. The World Health Organization aims to eliminate Vitamin A deficiency, and food fortification is a key part of the strategy. What is Nestlé doing to help? Click on our infographic.
Iron deficiency anaemia
Iron deficiency anaemia Iron deficiency affects an estimated 1.6 to 2 billion people worldwide. It harms children’s physical and mental development, increases child mortality rates and reduces adult workplace productivity. Iron helps create healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. When you don’t get enough you feel weak and tired. We fortify widely consumed products to help populations at risk. View our infographic to learn more.
Iodine deficiency
Iodine deficiency Iodine deficiency is a leading cause of preventable brain damage worldwide. People in 54 countries worldwide are still iodine deficient, and 35 million newborns are especially vulnerable. The mineral is essential for bone and brain development in early life, and helps your body produce vital thyroid hormones that ensure a healthy metabolism and weight. We’re fortifying foods to help tackle the problem. View our infographic to find out more.
Meeting our commitments in cocoa growing communities
Tackling child labour in our cocoa supply chain Nestlé purchased more than 90,000 tonnes of cocoa from the 67 co-operatives covered by the Nestlé Cocoa Plan in 2014, a year-on-year increase of almost 50% over the 2013 total. Read the infographic to learn about our efforts to tackle child labour in our cocoa supply chain.
Simmering passion: Reviving South Africa’s love for morogo
What is 'morogo'? ‘Morogo’ is the name used in South Africa’s Sesotho language for many species of leafy green vegetable that grow wild across the country. Read why Nestlé scientists fed it to a robot as part of research into using it in a new variety of Maggi noodles.
Food safety is our number one priority We are one of the most active entities in the world hen it comes to food testing.
Rainy days and milk cans: Saving water in Vietnam’s coffee fields
How a plastic bottle can help save water in Vietnam’s coffee fields In the coffee fields of Vietnam, everyday objects that are often thrown away are getting a new lease of life, as tools to help farmers save water by scheduling irrigation more effectively. For example, empty condensed milk cans in their coffee fields can be used to measure rainfall. These tools are simple to use and low cost, almost no cost, and it’s easy to scale-up their use among the nation’s coffee smallholders.
How we’re conserving water in California
How we are conserving water in California As the US state of California experiences another year of extreme drought, many people have expressed concern about the impact of our operations there. We understand that concern and we’re intensifying our efforts to ensure we use water as efficiently as possible across all of our manufacturing operations, in California and beyond. Take a look at the infographic to find out more about what we’re doing.
Milk is one of Nestlé's most important raw materials - here's how we work with dairy farmers to make sure our supplies are sustainable, and to encourage the best possible farming practices.
Onboard with Solar Impulse
Our research team at the Nestlé Research Center in Lausanne has been working with the Solar Impulse team for over 5 years developing a range of meals and snacks in packaging which can withstand wide temperature variations, and stay fresh without preservatives.
Nestlé takes action to tackle seafood supply chain abuses
Nestlé takes action to tackle seafood supply chain abuses Given increasing concerns about labour and human rights abuses in the seafood supply chain and our commitment to eliminate such practices, Nestlé has published an Action Plan.