Mediaevalis // Bibliotheca // Maniculae

Medieval maniculae, or pointing hands. These hands are used to mark important text on the page. For more palaeography, see Scriptum.
206 Pins
David Rundle on X
David Rundle on Twitter: "Not a #manicule but a long, thin, beak-faced animal as nota @MagdLibAndArch MS. 104. A stoat? If so, a #mustecula.… "
The British Library: The National Library of the UK - The British Library
Book of Hours, use of St Omer c 1320 Add MS 36684 Folio 101r
Erik Kwakkel on Twitter
Erik Kwakkel on Twitter: "Expressing a sense of importance in two different media: pointing out key passage in era of handwritten book (large hand with nail) and early print (@ubleiden VLQ 99 and 1368 D 21).…"
callan davies on Twitter
callan davies on Twitter: "Some Elizabethan fencing fun, but in manuscripts Fencing glove manicules, indicating: draw your sword! (or maybe just turn page...)(BL Sloane MS 2530, records of Masters of Defence prizes)…"
Medieval Manuscripts on Twitter
12th-century manuscript: a hand drawn in the margin, pointing at the text
Liesbeth Corens on Twitter
Liesbeth Corens on Twitter: "👉 (Bodleian, Wood D6: catalogue of manuscripts of Augustine Vincent)… "
Digita Vaticana on Twitter
Digita Vaticana on Twitter: "Romantic, hyperrealistic, visionary, minimal. Many hands, many manicules. #ManiculHunt reading Saeneca, Tragoediae, sec. XIV ➡️…"
Daryl Green on Twitter
Daryl Green on Twitter: "Oh, before I forget, check out this hand crafted #marginalia arrow! Done on a separate piece of paper and then inserted into 1519 Luther on Galatians... more on this book soon @MagdLibAndArch…"
Elaine Treharne on X
Elaine Treharne on Twitter: "Extendable fingers make for easier reading! (@TrinCollLibCamb R.17.11 f.46v) #ManiculeMonday #MedievalTwitter… "
claire m. l. bourne on Twitter
claire m. l. bourne on Twitter: "☞ a jaunty (& rare) playbook manicule.… "
Dr Juliet Ó Brien on Twitter
BnF Latin 12048 (f. 223r)… "
Micheline White on Twitter
Micheline White on Twitter: "This manicule is also pretty bad, but I'll be talking about it at #SRS2018. I do like the rays coming out from it.…"
Emilie Nadal on Twitter
Emilie Nadal on Twitter: ""Victoire ! Victoire ! " petite initiale ornée après coup pour mettre en valeur les cris de joie des dominicains qui ont réussi à piquer aux Cisterciens les reliques de Thomas d'Aquin ! Toulouse, BM, ms. 610…"