I learn

A classification of chart types
A few weeks ago, I needed a classification of chart types for my book, and reinventing the wheel was the last thing I wanted to do. I started with Andrew's classification and the Juice Analytics version. It's a good starting point, but I couldn't fit it into my work, so I decided to design
How the frontline learns, connects and gets things done
This Infographic on 'Gamification In The Workplace' contains the biggest misunderstanding about the Gamification of work processes! Gamification DOES NOT increase employee engagement with work. It replaces it with engagement in the rules of the game! That however is counter-productive and adds workload. All engagement of employees must be directed to and rest within the work-process.
dearestolivestudio.com -&nbspdearestolivestudio Resources and Information.
How (& Why) Having a Brand Language Will Change Your Copywriting (Plus, a simple worksheet to help you get started) — Dearest Olive Studio
Guía para trabajar con equipos difíciles de trabajo #infografia #infographic #rrhh - TICs y Formación
Hola: Una infografía con una guía para trabajar con equipos difíciles de trabajo. Un saludo Infographic brought to you by Wrike
How To Build An Empire Without Ads (And What To Spend Your Time & Money On Instead)
How To Build An Empire Without Ads (And What To Spend Your Time & Money On Instead) — FEMTREPRENEUR
The Secret To Being Assertive At Work [Infographic]
Want to feel confident? Want to look impressive and be noticed? If you're…
Morning Workout Motivation for Snooze-Lovers
Your morning has a huge impact on the rest of your day. Join us in our 31-Day challenge to hack your morning! #morning #hacks #challenge
DOMINATE The Search Engines!
Get the SEO workbook I use daily to grow traffic. I grow my organic traffic, rank higher in the search results, and even find new email subscribers! Get this to earn more from your blog! affiliate ad
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10 Simple Tips to Double your LinkedIn Connections / 10 einfache Tipps mit denen Ihr mehr Follower und Interaktion schaffen könnt.
How to Choose the Best Chart for Your Data
Numbers don't lie, but a bad chart decision makes it extremely difficult to understand what those numbers mean. Before you put together another PowerPoint presentation, make sure your pick the right type of chart to clearly communicate the information you want to share. Here's how.
Los Millennials o Generación Y (Infografía)
Los Millennials (Generación del Milenio-nacidos entre 1976 y 2001 ), también conocidos como la Generación Y, entran en el lugar de trabajo en números de registro. Ellos son idealistas, diversos, usuarios de tecnología, sociales y quizás lo más importante, ambiciosos. Mientras éstos son todos los rasgos que pueden hacer un impacto positivo en su organización, esto es una alta tarea de retener y motivar a los millennials para una variedad de cuestiones.
Millenials: los nuevos consumidores #infografia #infographic #marketing - TICs y Formación
Millenials: los nuevos consumidores #infografia #infographic #marketing