
16 Pins
Mankes, Jan (Dutch, 1889-1920) - Row of Trees - 1915
Artist: Jan Mankes (Dutch, 1889-1920). Title: Row of Trees . Year:1915. Description: etching.
Ray Frederick Coyle (1885–1924) - This beautiful drawing is one of six pieces from a memorial book, To Remember Ray Frederick Coyle, published in 1926.
Limited edition giclée print of original painting by Lucy Campbell - "When you close your eyes"
Impresión giclée de edición limitada de la pintura original
Una tormenta de nieve estalló dentro de los ojos de un lobo y las lágrimas congeladas cubrieron todas las laderas de las montañas, pero el tiempo pasó y el lobo murió y algún día ese lobo seré YO 🐺
The World In Their Art
January 20 2018 at 12:01PM from worldintheirart
The World In Their Art
January 20 2018 at 12:01PM from worldintheirart
The World In Their Art
January 20 2018 at 12:01PM from worldintheirart
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Bear Hug Print Childrens art Nursery decor by LittleSkipper, $49.00