taula de llum

102 Pins
This looks like a sensory clear container with colored beads on top of a light table. Wonderful sensory and discovery activity at Ekuddens förskola, Bubblan ≈≈
Reggio Children Inspired
Reggio Children Inspired — Light Table Mandalas with various materials. We’ve...
14 Favorite Light Table Toys And Tools Your Kids Will Love!
Light table tools and toys for your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom. Your kids will love learning and playing with these fun toys on the light table at home or in your classroom!
Lava Lamp Sensory Bags
AMAZING lava lamp sensory bags. These are easy to make and allow kids to explore in a variety of ways. Learn colors, explore the Science of liquids, create fun works of art, and engage in sensory play in a mess free way. There is no clean up with these and the FUN never ends.
A Recipe For Wonder on Twitter
The addition of triangles and rulers has lead to some interesting design and problem solving at our light table.
Sticky Fall Tree Light Table Activity
Light table sensory activity for kids inspired by fall leaves from And Next Comes L
Feathers on the Light Table - Pre-K Pages
A science exploration of feathers on the light table for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten; math or literacy feather activity for Pre-K
Grafomotricidad en la Mesa de Luz – Tarjetas Imprimibles – – Creciendo Con Montessori
Grafomotricidad en la Mesa de Luz - Tarjetas Imprimibles - | Creciendo con Montessori
Poco a poco vamos aumentando los materiales que tenemos para la mesa de luz, y es que es un recurso tan motivador que no nos cansamos de él...
5 Engineering Challenges for Kids (Cups, Craft Sticks, and Cubes!) - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
Remove the first cup & they start falling in a domino effect: 4 Engineering Challenges for Kids - with Cups, Craft Sticks, and Cubes. Fun for rainy days!!