CNC objects & furniture

41 Pins
The dissection of a chair, cutting away all the ballast material. What is left is BONE, a chair’s skeleton. JDS Architects
Going With The Grain: Plywood Artwork
Dishfunctional Designs: Going With The Grain: Plywood Artwork
HEDGEHOG - dismountable plywood stool - My Furniture
HEDGEHOG - dismountable plywood stool on Behance
What is Computer Numerical Controlled Design? Five Beautiful Examples
What is Computer Numerical Controlled Design? Five Beautiful Examples
What is Computer Numerical Controlled Design? Five Beautiful Examples
Plywood for the modern home
Chapas de madera para el hogar moderno | estilo maison ma
Escritorio RTA para Número on Behance... - a grouped images picture
Escritorio RTA para Número on Behance... - a grouped images picture - Pin Them All
Bay Area Maker Faire 2012 - Filson and Rohrbacher
CNC stools