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#SherlockLives Limited Tshirt
I love that he looks more concerned about the fact that he met a supposed 'friend' and relaxes when he clarifies it to have been an 'enemy'
Baker Street Intellect
stephenstrvnge: “Actual five-year-old Sherlock Holmes, world’s only consulting detective. ”
doctor+strange | Tumblr
This actually took me a long time to understand… ha. Doctor Stranges girlfriend is Christine and its the same actress, Irene sees Robert Downy Jr. as the Sherlock from the movies, Tony Stark sees Martin Freeman as Everett K. Ross instead of John Watson, John Watson sees Ian McKellen as the other Sherlock Holmes, and Gandalf sees Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug or the Necromancer. Of course, Sherlock is sassy so...
What I Wore | BBC "Sherlock" Inspired Outfit for Girls
60+ Best 'Sherlock' (BBC) Quotes: "The Game is On." | Scattered Quotes
Enjoy the best Sherlock quotes from episode 'The Six Thatchers'. 'The Six Thatchers' is the first episode of season 4. (BBC, season 4 episode 1 - s04e01)