Congo Lwalwa

(#123) Beau masque, Lwalwa, République Démocratique du Congo
Africa | 'mfondo' mask from the Lwalwa people of DR Congo | Wood with an ochre red patina, black pigment and kaolin | ca. early 1960s
Lwalwa (Lwalu) Mask, Democratic Republic of the Congo | lot | Sotheby's
Africa | Mask from the Lwalwa (Lwalu) people of DR Congo | Wood covered in metal (copper sheeting / hammered copper) | 2nd half of the 20th century
A LWALWA MASK Democratic Republic of the Congo , Auktion 1045 Afrikanische und Ozeanische Kunst, Lot 117
Africa | Mask from the Lwalwa (Lwalu) people of DR Congo | Wood covered in metal (copper sheeting / hammered copper) | 2nd half of the 20th century
Provenance French Private Collection Frank van Craen, Brussels, Belgium
RB Gallery
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Lwalwa Mfondo female mask Carved wood and pigments Early 20th century Height: 12 ½ in