110 Pins
This may contain: someone is pouring water into a glass with flowers in it and the words rooting season written below
Enchant Your Yard with Fairy Gardens! ✨
This may contain: a person is holding a pen and pointing at a potted plant with flowers in it
Personal touches for your home crafting
【New Plants In】 All Plants Only From $2
Hello friends, we are now in our final push to clear inventory. The store will be permanently closing in a month. We are currently offering 75% off most items. It would mean so much to us if you would consider giving us your business at this time. Our goal is to clear as much inventory as possible in order to minimize the amount of debt we incur from unsold stock. Order over $39.99 for Free Shipping and Receive a random plant.
This may contain: a potted plant sitting on top of a table with water coming out of it
Beneficios de la planta Espada de San Jorge
🌿 Descubre por qué la planta de serpiente 🐍 es imprescindible en tu habitación según un médico japonés! 🇯🇵 Desde purificar el aire hasta mejorar tu sueño, esta planta tiene increíbles beneficios. 💤 No te pierdas las seis razones que te revelamos en este vídeo. ¡Prepárate para sorprenderte! ✨ #plantadeserpiente #airepuro #dormirmejor #saludnatural #cuidadodeplantas #bienestar #plantasencasa #ecoamigable #hábitossaludables #jardinería #consejosdesalud #vidasostenible #medioambiente #bienestaremocional #hogarverde 🌱
This may contain: someone is holding a small potted plant with pink flowers on it and another hand reaching for the flower
Tips for succulents 🪴
This may contain: a hand holding a small potted plant on top of a wooden table
Aprende a cuidar tus plantas!