
cosas para serigrafia
32 Pins
PAM WISHBOW [ I made a new print pack! These are all images of magic objects with historic significance. I would love to make a whole bunch more and compile them into a divination deck one day. ] Sophie Lecuyer - Bas les masques et haut les coeurs... - a grouped images picture
tarjetas de pibita con lentes traslucidos
Snap To It! - Paper Snap
Snap to It! | Paper Snap |We hand printed hundreds of these self promotional fold-out flyers. They were created to attract new illustration work. The flyers are tied with twine to look like little gifts and the crocodile has become our mascot.
Tutorial: Cómo hacer una insoladora UV para serigrafía
Tutorial: cómo hacer una insoladora UV para serigrafía
XMAS 2017 - charlotte trounce
A blog that celebrates the world of pattern design. Covering greetings cards, wrap, fabrics, wallpaper, stationery and more.