Mantra Designers.
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Santolaria / Carlos Santolaria is an industrial designer, and, after being designing in the most diverse sectors, he he focused on the illumination work, where he has spent a wide period of time related to large-scale international trade.
Llusca / Manel Lluscà, Catalonian engineer and designer, with a long work career on the illumination field, starts producing his own designs in the 70’s. Afterwards, Alex Lluscà has coursed design studies at Elisava college (Barcelona), and right now they both are a great working pair at their design studio.
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Hugo Tejada / Hugo Tejada studied Industrial Design at the University Cardenal Herrera CEU, later specializing in automotive design at the UPV of Valencia. After graduating in 2007 began his career as part of the design department of important lighting company, in addition to collaborating with various national companies and design studios.
Administrative Quarantine
Santiago Sevillano / He studied Industrial Design in ESDI CEU he subsequently expanded his expert know-how in the Polytechnical University of Valencia in diverse fields, where he registered in the School of Architecture in 2004. For several years, he simultaneously worked in the teaching field and also served as a freelance internal Designer in diverse Design Studios and Companies. In 2003, he consolidated his Design Studio which he had founded with other partners years earlier.
Jose Ignacio Ballester / Completely self-educated and after several years of dedication to Fine Arts, which he combined with his secondary studies in 1981 at the age of 18, he joined the Design Team in several Family-Owned Companies in the Furniture Sector, where he carried out design, prototype development and modelling jobs as well as the furniture's promotion, image and trade fair participation.