Food Photography

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Fotografía comercial con luz de 🪟 ventana (📸cámara o 📲móvil)
Hoy salió video en YOUTUBE y haremos una foto de producto a partir de luz de ventana. Solo necesitas una cámara o un celular y con una pequeña ventana manipularemos la luz natural para lograr el resultado que deseamos. Le tomaremos foto al @nakedjuice tomando algunas frutas de los ingredientes del producto para tener un concepto más claro y reforzar los valores de la marca logrando un resultado ESPECTACULAR con muy poco presupuesto. #foodstylist @chef.manola 📸@luiscanofoto #foodphotog
Si en otras ramas de la fotografía nos encargamos de resaltar momentos, sentimientos, deseos... En la fotografía gastronómica nos encargamos de jugar con los sentidos, esto es algo mágico, a través de una imagen que sólo observar, logra transmitir sensaciones con los otros sentidos. Esto se logra cuando hay una armonía entre el alimento, la cámara y tú como fotógrafo, manejando adecuadamente la luz, colores, angulos. Hoy veremos algunos conceptos para comenzar en la fotografía de alimentos
Food Stylist
The work of a food stylist is largely the factor that can differentiate our food photography. As photographers we are thinking about angles, light, settings and many more elements, and a person dedicated to the details of the product, can make a good photo to a WOW photo
Wine photography without budget
Today I wanted to take a photo with natural light and apply all the concepts that we have seen in the tips and in the #fotografiaconluiscano podcast And what better way to start the week with a wine? Where are the #winelovers ??? 🍷🙋🏽‍♂️ -In the background we use a black cardboard supported on a tripod with spring clamp. -I used a table I had. -A whiteboard to reflect the light from the window would not be so dark. -Camera on a tripod and a control to shoot while serving the wine.
Mango Panna Cotta Photography
How to create a beautiful food image. Advertising Product Photography, still life photography, food Photography Studio, Product Photography, edible PHOTOGRAPHER‎, cake photography, food, cake, pastry, Lifestyle and more. Retouching, Designers & Retailers. Services: eCommerce Photography, Jewelry Photography, Catalog Photography. product photographer, food, pastry, commercial photography Less
How to create Advertising food photography
How to create a beautiful food image. Advertising Product Photography, still life photography, food Photography Studio, Product Photography, edible PHOTOGRAPHER‎, cake photography, food, cake, pastry, Lifestyle and more. Retouching, Designers & Retailers. Services: eCommerce Photography, Jewelry Photography, Catalog Photography. product photographer, food, pastry, commercial photography
Cake Photography
Advertising Product Photography, still life photography, food Photography Studio, Product Photography, edible PHOTOGRAPHER‎, cake photography, food, cake, pastry, Lifestyle and more. Retouching, Designers & Retailers. Services: eCommerce Photography, Jewelry Photography, Catalog Photography. product photographer, food, pastry, commercial photography