
42 Pins
One Lesson at a Time
This blog post has TONS of free graphic organizers you can print to use for your persuasive writing unit!
Great Topics for Middle School Debate Class
Looking for Middle School debate topics? This list of over 60 topics has been written for use in classes throughout the curriculum.
Outline for developing an argument - would be great to use before a persuasive paper or debate
Useful graphic organizer to help students build an argument.
Learning what evidence is and how to use it effectively is necessary for every high school syudent.
Keeping it Civil: Tips for In-Class Discussions
Socratic seminar advice. Includes sentence stater ideas and rubric.
More Resources for Classroom Debates
This is such an awesome website to help teachers plan debates for their class depending on the content area. It lists rules, roles and evaluation forms! So awesome!
How About a Tug of War? Making Thinking Visible
Secondgradealicious: How About a Tug of War? Making Thinking Visible - an excellent resource for promoting engagement and higher order thinking skills!
Middle School Debate - The topic research page and resources section look great. This would be very helpful for persuasive writing and debates.
Argumentation vs. Persuasion. Join CoreStand co-founder Rich Clark in this quick overview of one essential theme, or "shift" of the Common Core E/LA Standards: argumentation. While many teachers currently have experience teaching students "persuasion", Rich outlines several fundamental differences between argumentation and persuasion. He also discusses the CON-Text approach, one of the many writing units available on that scaffold the process of crafting an original argument.