
Tecnica de pies {Planta, tacón y tobillo}
Strengthen your feet and mobilise your ankles with these footwork exercises for beginner to intermediate flamenco dance students. | www.flamencobites.com
Jesús Fernandez y Anabel Moreno
Jesús Fernandez y Anabel Moreno
Learning the art of flamenco dancing by Lia Grainger
Flamenco how-to from the National Post. I approve this (!) - an important aspect of an extremely complex art form.
Tecnica de pies {Planta, tacón y tobillo}
Strengthen your feet and mobilise your ankles with these footwork exercises for beginner to intermediate flamenco dance students. | www.flamencobites.com
Flamenco Information & Tips
How to do Flamenco hands!
Rafael Peral y Marisa Adame