IDEAS ▪️Kids

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13 Sections
DIY Spring Birds from toilet rolls!⁠
When all is gray and cold, colourful tweetybirds will brighten your day. Toilet paper rolls are a fantastic, simple craft base, and best of all: you already have them at home. Get in the habit of saving toilet paper rolls so that you always have a base to start from. Here, we turned them into beautiful birds using a bit of paint and Allround Markers. Paint and decorate the birds from your imagination!
I’m back from a short trip in the south of Germany (already on Sunday) full of inspiration and ideas, but as usual I need some time to get into work mode 💛🌸🩵 Big plans for the near future: ✂️making a new video for everyone who wants to create paper decor with me on patreon 🌼 I even plan to put some of my work for sale 🌿 I want to tell a little about my creativity where it comes from Stay in touch! #paperart #paperartist #creativity #paperinstallation #papercrafts #papercrafting #papercut ...
This may contain: a hand holding a purple sticker with a cat on it
Schmusekatze mit bewegenden Augen schnell und einfach mit Kindern basteln 😻
Zuerst malst du die Gratis-Vorlage an und schneidest sie aus. Tipp: Damit sich der Bauch besser bewegen lässt, klebst du etwas Folie auf. Bauch und Augen platzierst du lose zwischen Vorder- und Rückseite des Körpers und fixierst diesen am Rand mit Kleber. „Streichelst“ du nun den Bauch, rollt deine Schmusekatze behaglich mit den Augen.
My favorite toy we have launched this year… I always wanted a toy theatre when I was little, so it’s the best feeling to be able to offer a beautiful one like this to you all. We have designed it so that the characters can be moved around magnetically using a magnetised stick underneath the stage! It’s made from sustainably sourced wood and is completely plastic free! 3 illustrated backdrops to add different scenes to your stories! Fabulous Illustrations by @katemaxwellstudio . #woodentoyth...
Busy Monday: AccuQuilt GO! Modular Star Tutorial & Giveaway!
Pin It Most Modular Stars I have seen are made out of glass, metal or paper. I have wanted to make this modular star pattern ...