
17 Pins
Sparkling Jellies Fabric | Spoonflower
Sparkling Jellies fabric by demigoutte on Spoonflower - custom fabric - I'd love to make a dress out of this someday!
Custom-Designed Illustrations
Vintage Vector Flowers by Mia Charro 전체적인 톤도 마음에 들지만 각각 개성이 있다.
From a blue and white China bottle. This composition is a fine example of conventional representation of natural flowers; but for the peculiar character of the termination of some of the leaves, it would pass for Indian or Persian. From Examples of Chinese ornament, by Owen Jones, London, 1867. (Source
Flickriver: Photoset 'Indian Textile Patterns' by peacay
Leaf patterns Indian textile patterns For more ethnic fashion inspirations and tribal style visit
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Arizona Hues wall art by Chulart on Etsy, $22.00
Lilbob Art & Design's Store | Society6
Like this however there are like three in here that are squares and it really bothers me.
Illustration of Rug prints
ILLUSTRATION: Illustration of Rug prints
PATTERN AND RHYTHM- The triangles and 3D form of the pyramids are being repeated. It creates a trippy pop-out-3-Dimensional effect that's pretty enjoyable to look at.