
43 Pins
This may contain: a woman holding three pink roses in her hands with the words 3 roas sendias con foami
Rosas sencillas para hacer con foami🌸🌸🌸
#floresenfoami #rosasconfoami #gomaeva #microporoso #espumoso
This may contain: a hand holding a pink and white ice cream popsicle
paletas de Foamy ( goma Eva ). centro de moños
This may contain: a hand holding a multi - tiered cake with colorful decorations on it's side
Diadema con sombrero loco @creaciones Aby
This may contain: a hand holding a hair clip with pom - poms on it and other accessories nearby
Gafas Carnaval
Difficulty: Easy Materiales/ • Gafas • Pintura • Mini pompones de colores
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