
8 Pins
Multi-Device Charging Station & Dock - Modern - Charging Stations - by Great Useful Stuff | Houzz
Bamboo Electronics Charging Station - contemporary - desk accessories - Great Useful Stuff
DIY Phone Charging Station 2022 | Four Generations One Roof
Corral the cord chaos with this DIY bread box turned charging station via Four Generations One Roof
Electronics Charging Station Disguised as a Breadbox
Electronics Charging Station Disguised as a Breadbox - Great idea! ~~
Ornament Wreath 101
Ornament Wreath: How to! - Dollar Tree Ornaments (secure metal hook to the Ornament with hot glue or it might come off!), wire from a hanger. Just thread Ornaments on the hanger. Bend wire into circle shape. Done.
Home Organizing and Cleaning Tips - How To Organize and Clean Your House
a whole bunch of "why didn't i think of that" ideas using 16 ordinary household items
After-Swimming Ear-drops to Prevent Infections
DIY: After-Swimming Ear-drops to prevent infections.. also good to use before/after wearing earplugs for an extended time..