electric curcuits

293 Pins
Линейный светодиодный драйвер AMC7135, Вторая жизнь фонаря, перевод питания на литий.
Схема включения AMC7135, datasheet на микросхему для линейного драйвера светодиодов при переводе фонаря на литий
LED Power Indicator Circuit For 230v - 240v AC Mains
This diagram shows that how to connect a single LED with 220/230v AC line. You can connect LED with 220v ac supply as this given diagram .
47 Projects to Do With a 555!
These are a whole bunch of things to make with the 555 timer IC with a note for each picture. I do not take credit for these schematics, they were made by Collin...
Arduino Workshop for Beginners - Tutorial Australia
Arduino Workshop for Beginners - Tutorial Australia
Таблица маркировки конденсаторов
Jerome Glick (MBHS Magnet '12) | Practical Information
Schematic Symbols Chart | Electric Circuit Symbols: a considerably complete alphabetized table ...
Wearable Electronics for sale
valores comerciales de capacitores 2 condensadores
How to use LED circuit in basic ways | ElecCircuit.com