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Juego de la Oca Mediterráneo. Diseñadora Carmen Romo. Realizado para AEMO (Asociación Española de Municipios del Olivo)
Passion - Sexy Personals for Passionate Singles
Hamon (from Japanese, literally "blade pattern") is a visual effect created on the blade by the hardening process. The hamon is the outline of the hardened zone (yakiba) which contains the cutting edge (ha). Blades made in this manner are known as differentially hardened. This difference in hardeness results from clay being applied on the blade prior the cooling process (quenching).
ERRP | Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Parts of a Samurai Sword
Isaac ✈ Alexander on Twitter
Here's an updated info graphic of the Airbus Group family of aircraft
The Way Of Sorrow
Katana - Partes de la empuñadura