Antigua Grecia

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Troy - Wikipedia
Silver tetradrachm Head of Athena in Attic helmet. Reverse female figure and owl inscription ΙΛΙΑΔΟΣ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ, ΚΛΕΩΝΟΣ ΙΛΙΟΥ 188 – 160 BC.
Pictures of Greece - Heraklion-Knossos-0052 - Minoan pottery, Archeological Museum
Minoan pottery, Archeological Museum
Minoan Nine Handled Amphora with Octopus. "Minoan pottery is more than a useful tool for dating the mute Minoan civilization (1900 BCE). Its restless sequence of rapidly-maturing artistic styles reveal something of patrons' pleasure in novelty while they assist archaeologists assign relative dates to the strata of their sites. The palace pottery called Kamares ware, and the Late Minoan all-over patterned "Marine style" are the high points of the Minoan pottery tradition." text from seller.
Tres de las Cariátides en el Erecteión
Tres de las Cariátides en el Erecteión Atenas Grecia
Pintor de Amasis - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
pintor de amasis | Pintor de Amasis - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
The Sixth Duke
melasdaemon: “Apoxyomenos (athlete scraping his body with a strigil). Bronze. Roman copy of the bronze original by Polykleitos ca. 320 B.C. ”
Search 'minoan' on DeviantArt - Discover The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community
Minoan fresco teaser by Yagellonica
Существование лабиринта Минотавра подтвердилось лишь в XIX веке — Не галопом по Европам
GREECE CHANNEL | Minotaur. Fresco in the Minoan Palace of #Knossos. #Crete, #Greece.
Ajax suicide Exekias amphora
Exequias, Suicidio de Ájax. Ánfora de figuras negras, 540 a.n.e
Atenea Pártenos - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
ATENEA PARTENOS, detalle. Marfil y oro