Kaoru Mori

81 Pins
森薫さんサイン会 in パリブックフェア / Kaoru Mori à Salon du Livre de Paris (とその後) (2ページ目)
Kaoru Mori's autograph session in Paris Book Fair / Kaoru Mori à Salon du Livre de Paris (and then) (second page) - Togetter Summary
kaoru mori
kaoru mori - Bing Images - a compilation of the characters she's created: Amir, Emma and Shirley
New Milestone Tours
A traditional yurt or ger is a portable, round tent covered with felt and used as a dwelling by nomads. It was used in Central Asia for three thousand years. Throughout the time Central Asian tribes and nationalities developed the ger to their own style and design. Here some of the images that shows how they differentiate from each other.
Ki-oon : Les sorties manga du mois - Août 2015
bride stories ki-oon
Serie Emma Victorian Romance ilustración del Manga / Kaoru Mori