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Above: Tiara, likely created by the court jeweller Bolin for Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia. Image from A. E. Fersman's catalog "Diamond Fund of the USSR," published around 1924-26, via Elena Horvathova on LiveJournal ( Below: Portrait of Tsaritsa Alexandra Feodorovna, by Ilya Yefimovich Repin, Russia, 1896, Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens, via Wikimedia Commons.
27th June and today's tiara was designed by Cartier in 1902 for Grand Duchess Helen (Elena). It was a wedding present from her parents, the Grand Duke and Duchess Vladimir, when she married Prince Nicholas of Greece. This tiara passed to the eldest of their three daughters, Princess Olga. It was last seen in public at the 1962 wedding of Juan Carlos and Sofia, without the pear shaped drop diamonds. It's whereabouts today is unknown.
Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy/Italy, wearing a tiara of diamond ivy leaves and button pearls
2nd June and today's tiara is the Alexandrine Tiara. It originally belonged to Queen Alexandrine of Denmark, although no one knows for sure how she acquired it. After her death it passed to her son King Frederick, who gave it to his eldest daughter, Queen Margrethe as an 18th birthday present. She wore it a lot in her younger years, but in 1995 she give it to Alexandra Manley, Prince Joachim's first wife. She still has it, and wore it recently to the 50th celebrations for Crown Prince Frederick.
9th June and today's tiara is the Cartier Indian Tiara which belonged to Princess Marie Louise. She wore it to the Coronations of both King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. She died in 1956 and bequeathed the tiara to her godson Prince Richard of Gloucester. Today the tiara is worn by his wife Birgitte.
29th May and today's tiara is owned by the Lowenstein Wertheim Freudenberg princely family in Germany. Last year Princess Sophie chose to wear it on her wedding day. Not very much is known about the stunning piece. The only other photograph of it was at a Royal Wedding in Denmark in 1937, when Sophie's great grandmother wore it.
SAR la Princesa Marie-Chantel de Grecia lleva la histórica tiara de la reina Sofía con el Rubí Jubilee en la Gala de Su Majestad la Reina Margrethe II de Dinamarca. (Detalle)
A fabulous tiara coming up for sale via Christie's on 30 November 2016, from the Nawab of Rampur
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Tiara Kokoshnik , de Cartier .1927. De la princesa Zenaida Nikoláevna Yusupova (1861-1939) - el platino y la tiara de diamantes hecha por Cartier en 1927, en el centro una vez tuvo un junquillo de diamantes de color, pero fue reemplazado más tarde con un zafiro estrella azul.
Sultanah of Pahang - Crownprincess of Negeri-Sembilan | Sultanin von Pehang - Kronprinzessin von Negeri-Sembilan
Beauchamp Diamond Pearl Palmetten Tiara Diadem | Sultanah of Pahang, Sultanah Kalsom, Malaysia | #crown #tiara #diadem #jewelhistory #sultanah #pahang #antiquetiara #pearls #famous #jewellery click for more of this Royal Jewel History