Future Redbirds

This board is for the newest members of the Redbird community! Catch advice on campus and Bloomington-Normal, meet your fellow newcomers, and get involved in Illinois State University life early. Welcome to Redbird Nation! Learn more at pinterest.com/ilstuadmissions/ or admissions.illinoisstate.edu
19 Pins
How Competitive Is Illinois State University's Admissions Process?
Illinois State University profile and financial aid stats to help our #FutureRedbird
Rory Ann Palen just turned 7 months old and is already showing off her Redbird Pride! Her parents Michael '08 and Samantha '10 are alums and clearly passing on a legacy to little Rory! #FutureRedbird
Little Jace Ortman wants to be the cutest #FutureRedbird! Thanks to mom Abby Ortman '16 for sharing.
Thanks to ‪#‎FutureRedbird‬ mom Maria Peters for sharing this photo of her daughter, Morgan, who celebrated her high school graduation with this awesome Reggie Redbird cupcake tower.
Get acquainted with what it means to be a part of the #RedbirdFamily!
Once a Redbird, always a Redbird. #RedbirdProud
Get used to seeing these furry little friends around campus. They always love it when you sit down for a between-classes chat - or just if you bring a snack.
Video: Preview guides help new Redbirds feel at home
Video: As ISU Preview kicks off for 2016, our guides help new Redbirds feel at home right away.
How Well Do You Know Your Illlinois State Trivia?
How Well Do You Know Your Illlinois State Trivia? Try our Buzzfeed quiz to find out!
Cecilia Canizela turned in her enrollment deposit. Cecilia and her family bought themselves some ISU gear. Cecilia is excited about starting her career at ‪#‎IllinoisState‬ in the fall. Be like Cecilia. #FutureRedbird
Today is #RedbirdSetGo Day! Join thousands of fellow Redbirds today on social media and use #RedbirdSetGo to share why you love Illinois State.
#RedbirdSetGo 2016 (Future Redbirds)
Tuesday, April 12, 2016, is #RedbirdSetGo Day at Illinois State University. Whether you're an incoming freshman, transfer student, graduate student, or even if college is a few years away—we'd love to see you share why you're excited to be a Redbird! Learn more and join the Redbird family today: http://IllinoisState.edu/RedbirdSetGo
Martin Gallegos already knows to go to the light. Welcome aboard!
You never know when Reggie Redbird might show up at your school and hand deliver your acceptance letter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd2O8CpEANI