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"Oyster" chair by Kawamura Ganjavian
“Oyster” chair by Kawamura Ganjavian ~ Madrid based studio Kawamura Ganjavian newest creation is a lovely foldable felted seat that is intended to bring a touch of cosiness to sleek, contemporary furniture. When folded up the Oyster acts as neat little cushion only to tranform into a very snug “private shelter” when unfurled.
Dot & Bo – Furniture and Décor for the Modern Lifestyle
Whether you don’t have space to spare or you just like furniture to have more than one purpose, this artfully crafted 2-in-1 piece has you covered. Use this functional item as your dining table for when guests are over, or anywhere in your home as a 5-tiered bookshelf suited for books, fun accents, photographs, and more.
Laminated corrugated cardboard with tire tread soles. Uppers made from bicycle tubes and a washer.
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The 2F Folding Chair is so named because it has a profile of less than an inch, and a different appearance on each side. Designed by Hannu Kähönen, the birch plywood chair can be stored completely flat, and generates virtually no waste wood during production.It's scheduled for release this spring from Martela."I wanted to keep it very simple, with few mechanical parts, so that when it's flat it looks like a graphic outline more than a chair."
Origami Influenced Flux Chair Makes for Low Energy Store and Shipping
Green Furniture, YLiving, Flux Chair, Low Energy storage, eco design, Douwe Jacobs, Tom Schouten, origami furniture
Shipping Eco-Friendly Products in Mulfunctional Packages
Automatically reuses the cardboard that clothing materials are shipped in. Smart design cardboard-coat-hangers