
174 Pins
4y, Anuncios Hardware, Sinclair Spectrum 128
Ordenador Sinclair Spectrum 128 Publicado en la revista MicroHobby nº 58 Fecha: 24-30 Diciembre 1985
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Without such technological innovations as the printing press, portable paint tubes, silkscreens, cameras, and computers, art history as we know it would look much different. To kick off Philly Tech Week, we looked for some tech-related pieces in our collection.Harold Edgerton invented the stroboscope, a flash-emitting device that gave the illusion of slow motion, to capture the paths of fast-moving objects. He used the device to create images such as “Tumblers.”Giacomo Bella’
The Museum
Apple Macintosh SE (20MB hard drive) - my high school graduation gift from my parents. Thanks, Mom & Dad!
An iMac bondi blue, la respuesta a todos los problemas cuando muera
Timeline de los teléfonos móviles #infografia #infographic - TICs y Formación
Timeline de los teléfonos móviles #infografia #infographic
Has buscado infografia-con-la-evolucion-del-social-media/ - Frikipandi - Web de Tecnología - Lo más Friki de la red.
The Evolution Of Social Media.
Timeline de un genio creativo y visionario (Steve Jobs) #infografia #infographic #apple - TICs y Formación
Timeline de un genio creativo y visionario (Steve Jobs) #infografia #infographic #apple | TICs y Formación
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