Natural dye

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Africa highlights: Tuesday 3 October 2017 as it happened
Cloth exhibits at the famous dyeing pits in the Nigerian city of Kano
Indigo: The Colour That Changed the World | Yatzer
‘Indigo: The Colour That Changed the World’, photo © Catherine Legrand / Thames & Hudson.
What does Indigo mean? A type of dye used to color denim to give it’s blue color. Traditionally, indigo dye was taken naturally from plants but presently the dye is produced synthetically. Each year, several thousand tons of indigo is created [...]
nigeria ~ 500 year old indigo dye pit ~
Indigo Dyed Cloth from Mashiko, Japan
Traditional dye workshop in Mashiko, Japan. Rows of indigo dyeing pits. The indigo plant is fermented in the pits and matured until it is ready to take the fabrics for dyeing.
the MAIWA BLOG: In Store Exhibition: Living Blue
Living Blue is an exhibit of indigo textiles and dyeing from Bangladesh.
The Domestic Soundscape » Archive » Botaknits - I like the way the samples are displayed
Información sobre mordientes en las tinturas naturales.
MeloCotton: Información sobre mordientes en las tinturas naturales.